Fully Charge Your iPhone In Under An Hour With These Two Accessories

Yay, iPhones from Apple from the past couple of years all support lightning-fast charging that can refuel your iPhone from 0 percent to 80 percent in less than an hour! Boo, Apple cheaped out and with any of its iPhones did not actually include a fast charger in the box.

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Apple didn’t actually give you the cable you’re going to need. Apple skimps on things that would dramatically improve the user experience for its customers is super lame, and then it has the audacity to charge another $50 for the adapter and cable you need to charge quickly.

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Sheesh! Instead of coughing up even more cash at the Apple store after you’ve already paid hundreds or even more than $1,000 for your iPhone, just pick up an AUKEY USB C charger for $19.99 on Amazon and an Anker USB C Lightning Cable for $15.99.

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